Most businesses are getting this so wrong

Top tip presented by Gary King of Tendo.

In order to stand out in a crowded environment, you need to deliver remarkable customer service.

I don’t care whether you call it customer service, customer journey, user experience, call it what you will but in an environment where there are six million small business owners (in the UK), it’s very, very highly likely that there are tens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of small businesses doing exactly what you do.

So the only way that you can differentiate yourself from the competition and put a gap between you and your peers is to be delivering remarkable customer service. So many large and small businesses get this wrong.

I’ve been contacted by my mobile phone provider over the last 10 days. They rang me 10 times in the last 10 days and never left a message so of course I’m not certain who it is that’s ringing. When they finally got through, they offered me what they said was a stunning deal to replace my phone.

But “I had to buy it today, I couldn’t get that offer in store!”.

And when I asked them to send me a copy of the proposal through so I could digest it, they weren’t prepared to send me the proposal through. This lift left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Surely they could send me a copy of the proposal for me to consider that, but no!

So look, that’s left a bad taste in my mouth, I will tell people not to use that mobile phone provider.

Equally, if you deliver stunning customer service or a stunning customer experience, then people are going to talk very, very positively about that.

If you want to stand out from the crowd and put a gap between you and your competition, get rid of the frustrations that we all feel with these big and small businesses delivering shocking customer service.

It really just doesn’t need to be this way. It’s so frustrating.

Deliver stunning customer service and you are going to retain clients. You’re going to win your fair share of new clients and you’re going to command a premium price.

Hope that’s been of interest. Take care for now.

Tendo business consultancy