Why you need to value your experience

Hi everybody. I just want to reflect on a comment that a potential client shared with me last week and discuss the value of experience. They said, ‘You know what, you’ve just spent just over half an hour with me and you’ve really been able to hone into exactly what’s holding me back. Like, how could you do that so quickly?’

It’s something I see so many times with potential clients. It isn’t the half an hour, or 45 minutes that it took me to understand exactly what that potential client’s issues are. And it’s not that half an hour, 45 minutes that I should be using to fix my rates either, because my rates certainly aren’t the cheapest.

It’s the 32+ years that I’ve been practising what I do. The hours and hours and hours studying late at night, weekends, early hours of the morning. It’s the time spent studying for a master’s degree, postgraduate diplomas, degrees in selling. The 50,000+ hours that I’ve spent really honing my abilities. It’s the hundreds of clients who I have worked with.

It’s not the time that you spend with clients that should fix your price. It’s the results that you can deliver to those clients based on the many, many years and countless hours of experience. If you’re pricing your time by the hour, if you’re pricing the time by the day, then you’re going to be in a beauty parade.

So look at the thousands of hours. Look at the years, the 10s of years that you’ve been working. Look at the many hours you’ve spent studying. Fix your rates based on the value that you add and the results that you deliver.

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