The Hole In The Wall – Putting in the long hours but not seeing the rewards?

Putting in the long hours but not seeing the rewards? The Hole in the Wall

This is post 11/ 12 in a series about the pub crawl by my namesake Gary King and his friends in the Worlds End and the close association with business mentoring & coaching.

Ahhh the hole in the wall. A colloquial term used for the place where you can draw cash with ease from your bank account without so much as breaking your stride on a stroll through town.

But what if your business isn’t being quite as ready with the readies?

What if your business isn’t making – or freeing up – the cash you hoped you’d earn given all the hard work you put into it each and every day?

You are putting the long hours in but aren’t yet seeing the rewards!  This situation might require reassessment of strategies, perseverance, or perhaps seeking additional support or guidance to eventually achieve the desired goals.

Investing in a Business Mentor can be a sound strategy.

Sure, it does involve putting some cash aside in the short-term to work with a professional who can give you the advice, guidance, ideas, answers and support that you need, but in the long-term, it can be the support you need to help you to get your cash – as well as your ideas – really flowing in the right direction.

Hell, I even offer a money back guarantee, unlike my peers.

Ready to make that next transaction to transform your business?

Want to discuss? Book a free 30 minute Discovery Call.

seeing the rewards